Interesting Science Facts
Which living being has longest orgasm ?

Pig.. Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Lucky Pig

Which living being doesn't have a brain ?

A female homosapien...just's Starfish. Can't believe it ? Check it out at : A Female Homosapien

Is glass a solid or liquid or gas ?

It's both liquid and solid..a supercooled liquid and an amorphous solid.... Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Supercooled Liquid

Is potato a root or stem or leaf ?

It's a stem..a tuberous stem.. Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Potato a stem

Which living being can separate water from milk? can drink milk alone leaving water. Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Super Swan

Which living being has liquid skeleton and multiple hearts? has hydrostatic skeleton and 5 Hearts. Can't believe it ? Check it out at : EarthWorm

Does snakes have ear's and eyelids?

No..snakes lack eyelids and external ears. They have internal ears.Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Snakes

Whick bird can fly backwards or upside down?

Humming bird. It's also the smallest bird on the earth. Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Smallest Bird

Name the bird which can't fly?

Ostrich. It's also the largest bird on the earth and the only bird that has two toes on each foot. Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Largest Bird

Does plants have life ? Do they have feelings ?

Yes. Plants have life.Plants can "feel pain, understand affection etc -- Jagadish Chandra Bose.Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Crying Plants

What happens if we can travel beyond speed of light ?

We can see our Future. Hurry! Go and get a Time Machine :) Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Superluminal

What happens if we drill a hole through the Earth and then drop a stone into it ?

The object would be oscillating back and forth very rapidly. Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Drilling Earth

Can new born babies see colors ( like red, blue etc.) ?

No. Only black and white.After several weeks they can see first primary color - Red. Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Newborn color blindness

Do people actually get shorter in the nights ?

Yes. Usually by 15mm-1cm. Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Volatile Height