Pig.. Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Lucky Pig
A female homosapien...just kidding...it's Starfish. Can't believe it ? Check it out at : A Female Homosapien
It's both liquid and solid..a supercooled liquid and an amorphous solid.... Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Supercooled Liquid
It's a stem..a tuberous stem.. Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Potato a stem
Swan..it can drink milk alone leaving water. Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Super Swan
Earthworm..it has hydrostatic skeleton and 5 Hearts. Can't believe it ? Check it out at : EarthWorm
No..snakes lack eyelids and external ears. They have internal ears.Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Snakes
Humming bird. It's also the smallest bird on the earth. Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Smallest Bird
Ostrich. It's also the largest bird on the earth and the only bird that has two toes on each foot. Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Largest Bird
Yes. Plants have life.Plants can "feel pain, understand affection etc -- Jagadish Chandra Bose.Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Crying Plants
We can see our Future. Hurry! Go and get a Time Machine :) Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Superluminal
The object would be oscillating back and forth very rapidly. Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Drilling Earth
Both will land at the same time. Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Galileo's Experiment
No. Only black and white.After several weeks they can see first primary color - Red. Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Newborn color blindness
Yes. Usually by 15mm-1cm. Can't believe it ? Check it out at : Volatile Height