1. If the sum of the factors of a number is equal to that number then it is called a perfect number
2. For example 6 Is a perfect number because factors of 6 are 3, 2, 1 and 3+2+1 = 6.
3. 28 is a perfect number because factors of 28 are 14, 7, 4, 2, 1 and 14+7+4+2+1 = 28.
4. Find out the magic numbers less than 100000
5. FYI there is only one magic number between 100-1000 and only one magic number
between 1000 – 10000 and no magic numbers between 10000-100000).
Some interesting facts :
1. If 2exp(n)-1 is prime, then 2exp(n-1)*(2exp(n)-1) is a perfect number
2. All perfect numbers are even and in the form 2exp(n-1)*(2exp(n)-1).
3. There are no odd perfect numbers. If you find one file a patent
4. Any odd perfect number must exceed 10exp(300) and must be divisible by a prime power exceeding 10exp(20)
5. Perfect numbers are infinite. If you can prove the finiteness file a patent
Solution: Please ping me at: Gopala.Krishna@iitbombay.org (or)Gopala.Krishna@outlook.com